There are several options for hosting the link to the web-reveal / landing page depending on partner preferences and abilities
Partner Hosted
Here, the partner can use our web-sdk to host a fully customizable web-reveal / landing page on their own domain. The web-sdk is static in nature and can be deployed anywhere that standard html/js/css can be hosted.
Links would look like:
This provides a fully customizable experience at a familiar url
See WebSDK for details
Vouchr Hosted, Vouchr Domain
The easiest option is to have vouchr host the web reveal using a generic web-reveal at the vouchrsdk domain.
Links would look like:
This is the simplest configuration wise, but does not offer full ui customization or brand-associated url
Vouchr Hosted, Partner-Aliased Domain
If a partner does not have the ability to host their own reveal, they may alias a partner-owned domain to our hosted web-reveal. This requires a CNAME dns configuration, full configuration details available from your Vouchr manager.
Links would look like:
This allows the partner to use a familiar url in their links for new users.