Getting Started

Application Setup

Applications are the central element that all of VouchrSDK’s options are built around. Each application may have it’s own configuration properties, payments and custom content. Learn to set up your first application in Vouchr’s Self-Service dashboard here.


SDK Setup

We provide web as well as native iOS and Android sdks for adding VouchrSDK into your existing app for both simple and complex highly customized integrations.

Follow these links to configure your relevant products with our SDK

Web iOS Android

Authentication Setup

Authentication allows you to confirm that only your users have the ability to offer your tailored personalization service and helps unlock features such as payments, analytics, notifications, messaging and support features for your users. We use industry-standard, easy to implement authentication methods.

Set up your authentication in our self-service dashboard here.


Then configure the sdks you’re working with to support it here.

Web iOS Android

Use the Out-of-the-box Creation Flow

Use Vouchr’s out of the box creation flow to get a head start creating gifts

Web iOS Android

In situations where you want to incorporate into a native application, but want a lightweight embedded web-experience rather than a full native experience, we have instructions on how to embed the web version into your native app.

iOS Web View Android Web View

Use the Out-of-the-box Web Redemption Flow

Use Vouchr’s out of the box redemption flow to redeem gifts. It works with a default Vouchr theme without any configuration on VouchrSDK’s systems or can be fully customized, themed and deployed at your own url.

If you want a fully customized promotional reveal experience, see the documentation for how to deploy and customize


Optional Enhancements

Creating your own Preset Templates

Use our dashboard to define your own personalization templates which your users can use to quickly send a high quality, curated experience .


Adding Payments

If you want to add a payment experience into the personalization, configure the type of payments and the associated merchant on the Dashboard


Then configure your sending applications to provide any required payment information when the gift is sent.

Web iOS Android

And additionally you can configure how that payment is presented when the gift is received.

Web iOS Android

Advanced Integrations

Vouchr’s flow, Your Screens

It’s possible to replace individual screens in Vouchr’s flow with your own screens, allowing a more customized version when needed

iOS Android

Your flow, Vouchr’s screens

It’s also possible to insert Vouchr’s screens into your own flow when appropriate.

iOS Android

Using Out of the box Claim Flow within your native App

If you don’t want to use the web reveal claiming, but would prefer to have the claim process handled within the native mobile app, this is also possible.

iOS Android

Gift History & Wallet Screens

You can embed your Vouchr gift history and a Wallet view within your application

iOS Android

API Access

For integrations where you need complete control over your screens and flow, or may need to initiate from your own backend, direct API access may be appropriate for you.


Advanced Payment Integrations

We have many options for integrating your payment system, from sending the payment asynchronously, to passing information with the personalization, to server to server callbacks.

Read more about our advanced payment integrations here


Custom Challenges

In addition to our library of built in challenges, you can create your own unique challenges, that may be unique to your brand. Follow the documentation below to learn to create your own.


Notification Webhooks

We can tie into your notification systems to allow us to notify your users via Push, Email, SMS and more without the need to share contact information with us.

Notification Webhooks

Gift Cards

We have the ability to provide gift cards from a large variety of brands including Amazon, Best Buy and more. Contact your vouchr representative if this is something you would like to offer your users