You can request sent or received VOFeedVouchers of the logged in user. To request sent vouchers, you send the requestSentFeedVouchersWithLimit:onCompletion message to your VOVoucherManager object. Set a limit to fix the number of sent vouchers returned. On success you receive an array of VOFeedVoucher objects, which are light versions of VOVoucher. You also receive an NSURL to the next page of sent vouchers if they exist. To request received vouchers you send a similar requestReceivedFeedVouchersWithLimit:onCompletion message to your VOVoucherManager object.

Sent Feed Vouchers

[self.voucherManager requestSentFeedVouchersWithLimit:10 onCompletion:^(NSMutableArray<VOFeedVoucher *> * _Nullable feedVouchers, NSURL * _Nullable nextPageUrl, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    self.sentVouchers = feedVouchers;
    self.nextPageUrl = nextPageUrl;
    [self.collectionView reloadData];
voucherManager.requestSentFeedVouchers(withLimit: 10, onCompletion: { feedVouchers, nextPageUrl, error in
    self.sentVouchers = feedVouchers
    self.nextPageUrl = nextPageUrl

A logged in user can also delete a sent voucher. Note that deletion succeeds only when the voucher is unclaimed. See Deleting a Voucher for sample code.

Received Feed Vouchers

[self.voucherManager requestReceivedFeedVouchersWithLimit:10 onCompletion:^(NSMutableArray<VOFeedVoucher *> * _Nullable feedVouchers, NSURL * _Nullable nextPageUrl, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    self.receivedVouchers = feedVouchers;
    self.nextPageUrl = nextPageUrl;
    [self.collectionView reloadData];
voucherManager.requestReceivedFeedVouchers(withLimit: 10, onCompletion: { feedVouchers, nextPageUrl, error in
    self.receivedVouchers = feedVouchers
    self.nextPageUrl = nextPageUrl

Transform a Feed Voucher to a Voucher

Once you have an array of sent or received feed vouchers, you can transform a VOFeedVoucher into a VOVoucher by sending the requestVoucher:forceFetch:onSuccess:onError message to your VOVoucherManager object. Pass the voucherId of the VOFeedVoucher you want to transform.

[self.voucherManager requestVoucher:voucherId forceFetch:YES onSuccess:^(VOVoucher *voucher) {
    self.voucher = voucher;
} onError:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
    //handle error;
voucherManager.requestVoucher(voucherId, forceFetch: true, onSuccess: { voucher in
    self.voucher = voucher
}, onError: { error in
    //handle error