
Use the VoucherOpenHelper to open the claim flow provided you have the Voucher or FeedVoucher object.

VoucherOpenHelper.openClaim(Context context, Voucher voucher);
VoucherOpenHelper.openClaim(Context context, FeedVoucher voucher);
VoucherOpenHelper.openClaim(context: Context, voucher: Voucher)
VoucherOpenHelper.openClaim(context: Context, voucher: FeedVoucher)

Note: If the Voucher can not be claimed by the current user they will be shown a preview of the gift reveal

Claiming with an Invite Code

If you received an invite code to claim a Voucher, the Voucher can be claimed with the openInviteCode() funtion found within the VoucherOpenHelper class.

VoucherOpenHelper.openInviteCode(getContext(), code);
VoucherOpenHelper.openInviteCode(context, code)

where code is your invite code in string form. If you received your code as a URL, the invite code is the portion following the # and ending at the ; if present.

Additional Setup

Though not needed, customization for the claim flow can be setup using the ClaimConfig.

ClaimConfig claimConfig = new ClaimConfig.Builder()
        .setImageOptions(Arrays.asList(ClaimConfig.ImageOptions.GOOGLE, ClaimConfig.ImageOptions.GIPHY))
val claimConfig = ClaimConfig.Builder()
        .setImageOptions(listOf(ClaimConfig.ImageOptions.GOOGLE, ClaimConfig.ImageOptions.GIPHY))

Then add it to your VouchrEngine
