
@protocol VoucherRevealFlowDelegate <NSObject>


 Called when a user taps on an element that represents a `VoucherMedia` to allow a custom view controller to be shown in place of the default.
 If not implemented or nil is returned, the default reveal personalization view controller will be used.
 VoucherMediaTypeNote - `AddNoteViewController`
 VoucherMediaTypeImage, VoucherMediaTypeAnimated - `SingleGalleryViewController`
 VoucherMediaTypeYoutube - `YoutubePlayerViewController`
 VoucherMediaTypeVideo - `FullScreenVideoPlayerViewController`
 @param voucherMedia - The media object that was tapped on.
 @return a view controller that shows the `VoucherMedia` in more detail, nil if the default view controller should be used.
- (UIViewController <RevealPersonalizationViewControllerProtocol> *)voucherRevealPersonalizationviewControllerForVoucherMedia:(VoucherMedia *)voucherMedia;



  • Called when a user taps on an element that represents a VoucherMedia to allow a custom view controller to be shown in place of the default. If not implemented or nil is returned, the default reveal personalization view controller will be used. Defaults: VoucherMediaTypeNote - AddNoteViewController VoucherMediaTypeImage, VoucherMediaTypeAnimated - SingleGalleryViewController VoucherMediaTypeYoutube - YoutubePlayerViewController VoucherMediaTypeVideo - FullScreenVideoPlayerViewController



    - (nonnull UIViewController<RevealPersonalizationViewControllerProtocol> *)
        (nonnull VoucherMedia *)voucherMedia;



    - The media object that was tapped on.

    Return Value

    a view controller that shows the VoucherMedia in more detail, nil if the default view controller should be used.