Local Maven Setup
Local Maven Repo for VouchrSDK
Ensure you have maven installed on your machine. Check with
mvn --version
If you don’t, you can install it manually or use something like brew brew install maven
Open the folder containing the modules that Vouchr sent or you acquired from the releases page. Inside the folder, there will be 5 android module folders (common, sociallogin, doodle, claim, create) and a script.sh
The script.sh will install each of the modules to your local Maven repo.
Android Studio Setup
In your app’s build.gradle file. Add mavenLocal() to your repositories
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
and then import the Vouchr SDK libraries in this order and facebook’s conceal library and ensure that the sdk version matches the one you’re using.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.vouchr:sdk:1.1.0'
implementation 'com.facebook.conceal:conceal:1.1.3@aar'
Vouchr SDK is now ready to use in your app