Analytics Events
Tracking screens and events is done by sending a trackScreen:screenClass
or trackEvent:withParams
message to your analytics manager at the appropriate time. In order to receive these messages, your analytics manager should conform to VOAnalyticsManagerProtocol
. Here is an example of tracking a screen and an event:
//tracking a screen after it is presented
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self.analyticsManager trackScreen:@"Create_Note" screenClass:[self class]];
//tracking an event, such as when a user presses Close button to dismiss screen
- (IBAction)closeButtonTapped:(UIButton *)sender {
[self.analyticsManager trackEvent:@"Create_Surpriise_Note_Close_Tapped" withParams:nil];
//dismiss screen
//tracking a screen after it is presented
func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
self.analyticsManager.trackScreen("Create_Note", screenClass:self.class)
//tracking an event, such as when a user presses Close button to dismiss screen
@IBAction func closeButtonTapped(sender: UIButton) {
self.analyticsManager.trackEvent("Create_Surpriise_Note_Close_Tapped", withParams:nil)
//dismiss screen
Objects conforming to VOAnalyticsManagerProtocol
expect a string to identify and track an event or a presented screen. You pass a string as the screen parameter in the trackScreen:screenClass
method, and as the event parameter in the trackEvent:withParams
method. Below is a table showing the strings available, along with the screen where they are used and a short description. Strings are listed under “Event Tag”.
Screen Specific Analytics
Create Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Enter Create Screen | Create_Voucher_Enter | n/a | Logged when the user enters the create screen |
Cancel Create | Create_Voucher_Cancel | n/a | Logged when the user cancels the create flow |
Choose Personalization Item | Create_Voucher_PersonalizationTapped | personalizationType | Logged when the user taps a personalization item |
Swipe Personalization Carousel | Create_Voucher_PersonalizationSwiped | personalizationType | Logged when the user swipes the personalization carousel |
Personalization Picked | Create_Voucher_PersonalizationPicked | personalizationType | Logged when an item drops into the envelope |
Preview Tapped | Create_Voucher_PreviewTapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the preview button |
Move Envelope | Create_Voucher_EnvelopeDragged | n/a | Logged when the user holds & drags the envelope |
Tap on Envelope (Wrapping) | Create_Voucher_EnvelopeTapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps on the envelope |
Next Pressed | Create_Voucher_NextTapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps next on the create screen |
Edit Tapped | Create_Voucher_EditTapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the edit button on the envelope |
Recipient Entry Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Entered Recipient Screen | Create_Voucher_GiftTag_Enter | n/a | Logged when user enters the recipient selection screen |
Done Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_GiftTag_Done | customizedRecipient (true/false) customizedOpenDate (true/false) |
Logged when the user presses done on the recipient selection screen |
Close Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_GiftTag_Close | n/a | Logged when the user presses the ‘x’ on the recipient selection screen |
Choose a Recipient Type | Create_Voucher_GiftTag_ChoosePerson | recepientType {Person, Contest} | Logged when the user chooses a Recipient Type - Person (sent to an individual) or Contest (sent as an open invite, first person to retrieve the gift can claim it) |
Undo Picking a Recipient | Create_Voucher_GiftTag_RemovePerson | n/a | Logged when the user removes the recipient they chose |
Open Date Tapped | Create_Voucher_GiftTag_OpenDateTapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the open date |
Open Date Changed | Create_Voucher_GiftTag_OpenDateChanged | n/a | Logged when the user selects a new open date |
Wrapping Paper Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Wrapping Paper Entered Screen | Create_Voucher_GiftWrapScreen_EnteredScreen | n/a | Logged when user enters the wrapping paper selection screen |
Google Images Search | Create_Voucher_GiftWrapScreen_Search | searchTerm | Logged when the user searches Google for a wrapping paper image(emoji, keyword, carousel category) |
Picked a Custom Wrapping Paper | Create_Voucher_GiftWrapScreen_PickedCustomPaper | n/a | Logged when the user picks a wrapping paper that was searched for (not one of the defaults) |
Picked a Default Wrapping Paper | Create_Voucher_GiftWrapScreen_PickedDefaultPaper | n/a | Logged when the user picks a default wrapping paper |
Searched Emoji | Create_Voucher_GiftWrapScreen_SearchedEmoji | emojiTerm | Logged when the user chooses one of the search emojis |
Category Change | Create_Voucher_GiftWrapScreen_CategoryChanged | categoryTitle | Logged when the user scrolls the carousel to a new category |
Youtube Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Enter Youtube Screen | Create_Voucher_Youtube_Enter | n/a | Logged when the user enters the Youtube search screen |
Close Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_Youtube_Exit | videoId | Logged when the user exits the Youtube search screen |
Play Video | Create_Voucher_Youtube_PlayVideo | n/a | Logged when the user plays a Youtube video |
Play Closed | Create Voucher_Youtube_PlayClosed | videoId | Logged when the user closes the video preview |
Search for Videos | Create_Voucher_Youtube_SearchVideos | searchTerm | Logged when the user searches for videos |
Choose Video | Create_Voucher_Youtube_PickVideo | startTime, endTime | Logged when the user adds a video to their gift |
Clip Video | Create_Voucher_Youtube_ClipVideo | n/a | Logged when the user clips a video to a different length |
Record Sound Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Enter Recording Screen | Create_Voucher_SoundRecord_Enter | n/a | Logged when the user enters the record sound screen |
Exit Recording Screen | Create_Voucher_SoundRecord_Exit | n/a | Logged when the user exits the record sound screen |
Record a Sound | Create_Voucher_SoundRecord_RecordSound | n/a | Logged when the user taps “record” |
Replay a Sound | Create_Voucher_SoundRecord_PlaySound | n/a | Logged when the user taps “play” |
Select Recording | Create_Voucher_SoundRecord_SelectRecording | n/a | Logged when the user selects the sound they recorded |
Restart Recording | Create_Voucher_SoundRecord_Restart | n/a | Logged when the user selects the ‘x’ to re-record |
Browse Sound Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Cancel Button Pressed | Create_Voucher_SoundSelection_Cancel | n/a | Logged when the user dismisses the sound selection screen |
Plus Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_SoundSelection_PreselectSound | soundName | Logged when the user taps to add sound |
Add Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_SoundSelection_SelectSound | soundName | Logged when the user confirms they want the sound added |
Play Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_SoundSelection_PreviewedSound | soundName | Logged when the user previews the sound |
Note Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Add Note Tapped | Create_Voucher_Note_AddANote_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps “Add a Note!” button |
Close Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_Note_Close_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the close button |
Change Font Tapped | Create_Voucher_Note_Font_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the font button |
Change Color Tapped | Create_Voucher_Note_Color_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the color button |
Sign Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_Note_Sign_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the “Sign” button |
Done Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_Note_Done_Tapped | messageLength, font, color | Logged when the user taps the done button - messageLength, font, and color of the completed note |
Cancel Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_Note_Cancel_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the cancel button |
Title Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Done Buttone Tapped | Create_Voucher_Title_Done_Tapped | title | Logged when the user taps the done button - title will be the string typed in by the user |
Cancel Button Tapped | Create_Voucher_Title_Cancel_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the cancel button |
Challenge Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Swipe Challenge Carousel | Create_Voucher_Challenge_Swipe | gameName | Logged when the user swipes left or right on the challenge carousel |
Challenge Preview Clicked | Create_Voucher_Challenge_preview_clicked | gameName | Logged when the user clicks the preview challenge button |
Challenge Selected | Create_Voucher_Challenge_select_clicked | gameName, difficulty | Logged when the user selects a challenge |
Challenge Cancelled | Create_Voucher_Challenge_cancel_clicked | n/a | Logged when the user dismisses the Challenge screen |
Image Editing Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Done Button Clicked | Voucher_PhotoEdit_NextButton_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the done button |
Cancel Button Clicked | Voucher_PhotoEdit_BackButton_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the cancel button |
Add Text Option | Voucher_PhotoEdit_AddText_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the add text button |
Draw Option | Voucher_PhotoEdit_Draw_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the draw button |
Sharpen Option | Voucher_PhotoEdit_Sharpen_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the sharpen button |
Brightness Option | Voucher_PhotoEdit_Brightness_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the brightness button |
Contrast Option | Voucher_PhotoEdit_Contrast_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the constrast button |
Saturation Option | Voucher_PhotoEdit_Saturation_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user taps the saturation button |
Payment Editing Personalization Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Payment Screen Entered | Create_Voucher_Payment_Entered | n/a | Logged when the user enters the payment personalization screen |
Payment Screen Exited | Create_Voucher_Payment_Exited | n/a | Logged when the user exits the payment personalization screen |
Payment Selected | Create_Gift_type_confirm_clicked | giftType, paymentAmount, module, type | Logged when the user adds a payment to their gift |
Summary Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Summary Screen Continue | Create_Summary_next_clicked | n/a | Logged when the user continues from the summary screen to the send screen |
Summary Screen Cancelled | Create_Summary_cancel_clicked | n/a | Logged when the user cancels the summary screen |
Edit Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Personalization Deleted | Create_Voucher_Edit_PersonalizationDeleted | n/a | Logged when the user removes a personalization from the envelope |
Personalization Edited | Create_Voucher_Edit_PersonalizationEdited | n/a | Logged when the user modifies a personalization in the envelope |
Edit Closed | Create_Voucher_Edit_EditClosed | n/a | Logged when the user exits the edit screen |
Reveal Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Reveal Screen Entered | Reveal_Screen_Entered | n/a | Logged when the user opens the reveal screen |
Reveal Screen Open Button Tapped | Reveal_Screen_Item_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user opens the gift by tapping the open button |
Reveal Screen Gift Package Tapped | Reveal_Screen_Next_Tapped | n/a | Logged when the user opens the gift by tapping the gift package |
Reveal Item Tapped | Reveal_Gift_Package_Tapped | itemType (Image/GiftCard/Title/Video/Youtube) | Logged when a user taps an item on the reveal screen |
Reveal Next Button Tapped | Reveal_Screen_Next_Tapped | n/a | Logged when a user clicks the next button to dismiss the reveal screen |
Challenge Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Claim Game Started | Claim_Game_started | n/a | Logged when the user starts a game locking their gift |
Claim Game Won | Claim_game_won | score | Logged when the user has won the game locking their gift |
Claim Game Lost | Claim_Game_Lost | n/a | Logged when the user loses the game |
Claim Game Cancelled | Claim_game_cancelled | n/a | Logged when the user exits the game before completing it |
Calim Beg For Mercy | Claim_Game_beg_for_mercy | n/a | Logged when the user chooses to skip the game after they have lost |
Claim Game Score Shared Clicked | Game_score_shared_clicked | n/a | Logged when the user shares their score |
Discover Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Enter screen | Discover_Voucher_Enter | n/a | when the user enters the Discover screen |
Cancel Discover | Discover_Voucher_Cancel | n/a | when the user exits the Discover flow |
Choose a template | Discover_Voucher_Template_Chosen | templateID, templateName, categoryID, categoryName | When a user taps on a template |
Template pagination | interaction Discover_Voucher_Template_Pagination | templateID, templateName, categoryID, categoryName | Fired when a user swipes thru a template preview on Discover |
Featured template choosen | Discover_Voucher_Feature_Template_Chosen | templateID, templateName, categoryID, categoryName |
Template Preview Screen
Description | Event Tag | Properties | Notes |
Enter screen | Discover_Voucher_Template_Preview_Enter | templateID, templateName | when the user enters the Template Preview screen |
Cancel Discover | Discover_Voucher_Template_Preview_Cancel | templateID, templateName | when the user exits the Template Preview flow |
Deleted an asset | Discover_Voucher_Template_Preview_Deleted_Asset | templatedID, assetType | User deleted an asset |
Template chosen | Discover_Voucher_Template_Preview_Template_Selected | templateID, templateName | User picked a template to go to the next part of the flow with |